Arrowroot Coffee Co.

Honeycomb - Honey Process Blend


The Honeycomb Blend features honey processed coffees, which have been fan favorites at Arrowroot for years. Honey processed coffees are sweet smooth and consistently enjoyable. Through community feedback we’ve collected a list of qualities that make your favorite honey processed coffees. The honeycomb blend is made to be a combination of all those qualities. This blend is a medium roast featuring tasting notes of clover honey, red raspberry and mandarin orange. Its as syrupy sweet as its namesake.

More on the Honey Process:

We're often asked, “Does the honey process have real honey in it?” Despite having honey in the name the process itself doesn’t involve actual honey. The name refers to how the beans look while they are being processed. A small amount of the fruit is left around the beans while they dry during the honey process. This gives the beans the physical appearance of being coated in honey. While the process doesn't involve honey, it does impart a little bit of extra sweetness and acidity onto the beans. Some even feature tasting notes of clover honey.

Our 12oz coffees use a biotre 1.0 60% home compostable bag. To find out more info on biotre and how it works check out this article on Biotre

Product Features
Origin: Seasonal Rotation
Process: Honey
Roast Level: Medium
Tasting Notes: Orange, Red Raspberry, Honey

Best for Brewing: Drip, French Press, Pour Over